The inability to raise your hand up is a fairly common problem. Shoulder pain can be one of the most tiring and painful conditions. Many of you will one day just wake up with this pain. Pain can be localized to the top or side of the shoulder joint. In some patients, pain is most pronounced in the evening and at night, in others it occurs only when the arm is raised up. Most of you will not remember any kind of shoulder injury. Most did not change their training regimes or make them more aggressive. In most cases, you are 40-60 years old, and this could be your dominant or non-dominant hand. Let’s take a look at the most common causes:
Pain in the upper shoulder
Shoulder pain when lifting the arm
Restriction of movement in the shoulder joint.
According to the orthopaedic in Delhi, there are many problems that can lead to limited shoulder movement or pain when lifting or moving the arm. Most often these are problems with the rotator cuff.
The rotator cuff is the most common cause of outer shoulder pain in adults. This is also the main reason why you are unable to raise your arm up or are in pain when moving, explains the orthopaedic in West Delhi.
Shoulder pain can be caused by injury. Believe it or not, shoulder injury is a less common cause of pain.
Rotator cuff injuries are more likely to occur as a result of repetitive stress, for example, when working with weights, when throwing and throwing sports equipment. Damage to the rotator cuff can also occur from falls and prolonged work with raised arms (for example, cutting trees or painting a house).
The rotator cuff of the shoulder is formed by four muscles located under the deltoid muscle. Together, these muscles control movement in the shoulder joint, ensuring normal shoulder function.
If the rotator cuff becomes damaged, inflamed, or torn, you are unable to raise your arm upward.
Let’s take a quick look at each of the most common causes of pain and limitation of movement in the shoulder joint.
In persons over 30, rotator cuff tendinitis is very rare, and the most common cause of pain in the shoulder joint when lifting the arm up is rotator cuff tendinosis.
The term tendinosis refers to degenerative changes in the rotator cuff. Along with degeneration in the rotator cuff tendons, the number of blood vessels and nerves increases. This is how the body responds to degeneration and this is what causes the pain. The appearance of new nerve endings leads to pain during certain movements. If the pain is severe enough, you cannot raise your arm and sleep on this side.
Physiotherapy is usually effective in patients with rotator cuff tendinosis. If, despite treatment, pain persists, surgery is possible, which helps to reverse the changes and reduce the severity of pain, says the orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi.
As you age or degenerate, a portion of the rotator cuff may separate from the bone to which it is attached. This is a natural stage in the progression of tendinosis. When a significant part of the rotator cuff is separated, a small gap or defect appears in it. This condition is called partial rupture. Partial tears are not large enough to cause impaired movement. However, if this gap is accompanied by pain, then the pain may be localized in the upper part or along the lateral surface of the shoulder. It will also hurt to raise your hand up.
Some partial tears hurt, others don’t. You can determine this during the examination. Most patients with partial tears of the rotator cuff respond well to physiotherapy. If physical therapy or other nonsurgical treatments are ineffective, surgery is likely to help relieve night-time pain and pain when raising an arm, says orthopaedic in Dwarka.
Rotator cuff calcific tendonitis is a very painful condition. It is quite simple to diagnose it precisely due to the severity of the pain syndrome. The condition is characterized by the appearance of deposits of calcium crystals in the thickness of the tendons. Fortunately, in most such cases, surgery is not needed, and it is enough to inject a drug into the focus under ultrasound guidance, which helps to wash out calcium crystals. The operation is necessary only in rare cases.
Some of you may be reading this article because you fell on your shoulder and you cannot raise your hand after that. In the event of injury, there is a possibility that the rotator cuff has torn off the bone. Therefore, in such situations, we recommend that you quickly contact a specialist. Now we’ll talk about what to look out for if you suspect you have a serious shoulder injury.
The rotator cuff controls movement in the shoulder joint. If a rotator cuff rupture occurs, your complaints and symptoms will depend on the size of the rupture. For the most significant breaks, you will not be able to raise your hand at all. Many patients with fresh massive tears in the rotator cuff require surgery to restore shoulder function. Thus, treatment for a rotator cuff tear depends on the cause of the tear.
Adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder is a fairly common cause of pain and limited movement in the shoulder joint. The pain in this case can be localized in the upper shoulder or axillary region. In this condition, the ligaments and capsule around the joint thicken, become tense and inflamed. Diagnosis is simple enough … by definition, frozen shoulder is a lack of movement in one shoulder joint compared to the opposite one. Treatment for frozen shoulder is usually conservative and includes physical therapy. With the help of the block system, you can independently stretch the capsule of the shoulder joint. Sometimes orthopaedic doctor in Delhi can recommend the injection of corticosteroids into the joint to control inflammation. If physical therapy proves to be ineffective, doctor may recommend going for arthroscopy in Delhi.
The acromioclavicular joint (ACS) is a small joint located at the top of the shoulder. This is the joint between the clavicle and the shoulder blade. Over time, this joint can undergo degenerative changes. ACS arthrosis is the # 1 cause of pain in the upper shoulder. With sufficient severity, this pain leads to a limitation of lifting the arm up and movement in the shoulder joint. Ice, heat, and anti-inflammatory drugs can help cope with pain in such cases. It is also possible to inject drugs directly into the joint. If this treatment is ineffective, surgery is possible.
The causes of shoulder pain vary by age. Some problems are more common in certain age groups. Tendonitis is more common in athletes at a younger age. In middle age, tendinosis, calcific tendonitis, arthrosis of the acromioclavicular joint (ACS), and frozen shoulder.
Orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi widely uses arthroscopy and other minimally invasive methods of treating shoulder joint pathology. Operations are carried out on modern medical equipment from major world manufacturers.
However, it should be noted that the result of the operation depends not only on the equipment, but also on the skill and experience of the surgeon. The orthopaedic in Delhi has extensive experience in treating diseases of this localization for many years.