Arthroscopy in Delhi is a minimally invasive surgery, which is used for the diagnosis and treatment of the joints. It is performed by introducing an arthroscope connected to a high-resolution camera, which allows the joint to be viewed in its entirety through a high-definition monitor.
This technique has many benefits and is increasingly being used to treat joint diseases. It allows a more complete view of the joint, through minimal incisions, which are made under local anesthesia. As it is a minimally invasive intervention, it offers good results and the patient’s recovery times are reduced, states the orthopaedic in Delhi.
Types of arthroscopy
It could be said that there are no different types of arthroscopy in Delhi, since the technique used is always the same, however, the differences arise depending on the joint operated.
The most common arthroscopies are the following:
When is an arthroscopic operation performed?
Arthroscopy in Delhi is a technique that is carried out to visualize the inside of the patient’s joint. In many cases, it is carried out as a diagnostic test, for example, to take samples or perform biopsies of the area, in case of tumors or intra-articular lesions.
However, in other cases, it is carried out for the treatment of joint injury, for example, to remove cysts, perform intra-articular washes or remove extra-articular bodies that can cause inflammation of the patient’s joint. It is important that you are always advised by a specialist orthopaedic doctor in Delhi.
How is the arthroscopic operation?
Arthroscopic intervention is usually carried out using local anesthesia at orthopaedic clinic in Delhi, that is, localized anesthesia in the area to be intervened. First, a minimal incision is made by the orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi, through which the arthroscope will be inserted.
Once the incision has been made, cartilaginous cleaning is carried out, that is, debridements are corrected in order to provide stability to the cartilage. In many cases, a treatment with plasma rich in platelets or stem cells is applied, which help the regeneration of the intervened tissues, explains the orthopaedic in Delhi.
Advantages of arthroscopy
Arthroscopic interventions have many advantages over traditional surgeries. First of all, it is a minimally invasive technique, the incisions are of a minimum size, which makes the risk of suffering infections considerably lower.
In addition, the patient recovers quickly and the time it takes to be able to return to their normal activities is reduced, says the orthopaedic in Delhi.
How is recovery after arthroscopy?
As explained, the recovery after an arthroscopic operation is fast, since the invasion into the tissues is minimal. Proper care of the incisions is especially important to avoid infections that can affect recovery.
Usually, the patient will start a rehabilitative treatment one month after the operation, with the aim of strengthening and restoring joint mobility. Three or four months after surgery, the patient will be able to recover his usual activities, avoiding activities that imply an impact on the joint, explains the orthopaedic in Delhi.
Rehabilitation after arthroscopy
In arthroscopic interventions, rehabilitation is of particular importance, which can be carried out under the supervision of an orthopaedic doctor in Dwarka or a specialized physiotherapist in Dwarka. The objective is to strengthen the joint, to prevent the injury from developing again, and to regain joint stability.
In this process, it is advisable to carry out sports practices that do not imply a great impact on the joint, for example, walking. In addition, the patient must perform prescribed flexion and extension exercises, which help to regain full mobility of the joint, says the orthopaedic in Dwarka.
As explained, arthroscopy in Dwarka is a technique that can correct injuries that are disabling for the patient and help him regain his quality of life.